Women in Science
Docudrama about female scientists’ life and career
Anastasia Manulcheva
Anastasia Konstantinidi
Executive Producer
Director of Photography
Olga Prodan
Sona Aslanyan
Ksenia Zakurko
in Science
Docudrama about female scientists’ life and career
Anastasia Manulcheva
Anastasia Konstantinidi
Executive Producer
Director of Photography
Olga Prodan
Sona Aslanyan
Ksenia Zakurko
About the Project
Women in Science is a comprehensive project, including a docudrama, series of lectures and discussions with female scientists, Science Slam talks by female researchers, as well as some inspiring media posts about women in science of the past and modern times.
Project Goals
The Women in Science project tells real stories of female researchers. We want to show that academic career can be exciting, and, most importantly, it has a place for different women.
About the Film
Women in Science presents five female researchers who tell the story of their lives. All of them are young, ambitious and confident that science can change the world; but also all of them faced some challenges on their way to excellence. You will see where dreams come from, what goals women in science set for themselves, and what gives them strength when things get tough. The protagonists will relate how they built a career in science and came a long way from almost leaving academic world to being determined to stay and develop regional science – in their interviews the female researchers share their feelings and prove that being successful in science is possible, despite sociocultural circumstances.
Tatiana Zhuravskaya
Associate Professor, Department of Socio-Economic Research and Regional Development, School of Economics and Management (SEM), Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU), Head of The Center for Post-Institutional Studies (PIS-center) at SEM, FEFU. Senior Researcher at the Primorye Laboratory for Economic Development and Cooperation, the Institute for Economic Studies of The Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FEB RAS).
Conducts studies on the Russian Far East and Siberia: border-line territories, development projects, informal economy, and household economy. Also studies such development projects as The Far Eastern Hectare and future of the Russky Island.
Alexandra Kim
Associate Professor, Department of Biodiversity and Marine Bioresources, Institute of the World Ocean, FEFU
Conducts studies on microorganisms’ reaction to different types of pollution, as well as microbial degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in the Far Eastern seas.
Yulia Tatonova
Geneticist and parasitologist, PhD in Biology, Head of the Endo-Parasitology Laboratory, Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after G.P. Somov, Rospotrebnadzor, Senior Researcher of the Parasitology Laboratory of the Federal Scientific Center of Biodiversity, FEB RAS, Associate Professor of the Institute of Life Sciences and Biomedicine, FEFU.
Conducts research on what types of parasites exist in the Far Eastern region, where they came from and where they can spread further.
Nadezhda Syrbu
Head of the Laboratory for Complex Studies of Environment and Mineral Resources at the Pacific Oceanological Institute of FEB RAS. Co-director of the Joint Russian-Vietnamese Laboratory for Marine Geosciences and Technologies.
Conducts research on composition and concentration of gases in the water, soil, and marine sediment.
Christina Aparina
Senior Engineer, former employee of the V.I. Il'ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute, FEB RAS. At the time of the shooting works as a Brand Barista at the Michel’s Bakery, a café of the French patisserie chain.
At the laboratory of seismic research studied seismic tomography. Analyzed the stratigraphy of the Japanese Sea and the Sea of Okhotsk, seabed structure and morphogenesis.
Co-creators of the Project
Anastasia Manulcheva
Ekaterina Zibrova
Executive Producer, creator and manager of the Women in science project, Head of the Science Slam Vladivostok, Director of the Autonomous Non-profit Organization MART, Board Member of the Science Slam Russia Association.

«I would like Women in Science project to put modern female scientists into the spotlight, so that situations, when somebody’s achievements get noticed only after their death, will become a thing of the past.»
Project co-creator, scientific advisor, expert in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, PhD in Psychology.

«The film aims to recognize and honor women in science, raising awareness of their work and contributions to society.»
Ksenia Zakurko
Anastasia Shvetsova
Project co-creator, film director.

«The film shows real career paths of women who decided to devote their life to science; it motivates you not to be afraid of life challenges».
Project co-creator, scientific advisor, PhD in Sociology, specializes in Gender Studies.

«I believe that our film can become a point of reference for those who are still in two minds about their future careers, and for those who have already chosen to work in science, but need moral support and a bit of female solidarity».
Project Team
Olga Prodan
Anastasia Konstantinidi
Director of photography
Anton Shepshelevich
Sound engineer
Maxim Cherednik
Line producer
Vusal Omarov
Sona Aslanyan
Vladimir Spevak
anastasia guzikova

Evgeniy Taylor

Sound producer

Vitaly Krylov

Sound engineer


Daria Orlova
PR manager
Elizaveta Mizhareva
Media manager
Natalia Erokhova
Mia Takamatsu
Alina Artyukhova
Content creator
Anastasia Mikhailova
Alexey Ezhov
Graphic designer
Roman Belyntsev
Nina Maryina
Project administrator

Ilo Krupenin

Sound designer

Daniel Jagaryan

Media about the Project
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Let’s support scientists together
The project is funded by the President’s Foundation for Cultural Initiatives
About the project
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